The fun with Emacs is that you can discover new (or old) stuff that makes your life much easier on an almost weekly base. I was reading the manual on Emacs Speaks Statistics and discovered that there is a mode called auto-completion. I googled it, installed it and after some experimenting, I got it running. You can find it here. It comes with autocompletion for some programming languages (Python, Ruby, C+, etc.) but not for LaTeX, so I googled further and discovered an extension called auto-complete-latex (you can download it here.
Here are some screenshots: You just start typing and it suggests a keyword or if you wait a little bit longer it gives you a dropdown llist. You can jump to the next suggestions using the tab-key.

It doesn’t matter if you use capitals or not:

and it also keeps track of words in the actual document. Here an example of my paper on parking. As you see the word “Parking appears, when I typ “par”.

For Gams there is no dictionary, so I wrote one myself and added it to the dictionaries. I only did not manage to start auto-complete for Gams automatically. But this can be done with M-x auto-complete-mode.
;; ac-modes – major modes ac can run on
(add-to-list ‘ac-modes ‘gams-mode)
(add-to-list ‘ac-modes ‘gams-mode)
;; toggle auto-complete in all buffers
(global-auto-complete-mode t)
(with thanks to a reader)
These extensions make Emacs now to a modern text editor.
If gams is a major mode called gams-mode
;; ac-modes – major modes ac can run on
(add-to-list ‘ac-modes ‘gams-mode)
;; toggle auto-complete in all buffers
(global-auto-complete-mode t)