A few months ago I installed Windows 8 on my workstation (Microsoft was offering a cheap upgrage, so being Dutch and always looking for cheap offers, I bought the upgrade). My workstation had some problems, and I did not want to set it up from scratch with Windows 7 again. It runs fine since then. It has some nice features and no issues until now.

The Microsoft offer is still valid until the end of January, so I decided to upgrade my Windows 7 notebook too, as I will use this one probably for the next 3 years (Lenovo T430s). I just upgraded and did not install Windows from scratch. It took me 5 minutes (most of the time the upgrade did not need any action from my side). No issues at all. All Windows software (for example, visual studio) was updated automatically.
The only thing I don’t like, is the opening desktop (tiles everywhere and no touchscreen) without the start button, so I installed Start8 (it costs 4.99$) and now I have my “normal” Windows 7 desktop (with some nice modifications back again:

Important update:
One important warning: I just discovered, that the path system variable is almost empty after installing and I had to manually adjust it, so my command line scripts for Powershell, Gams and other programs can run. So before you upgrade: copy your path system variable and put it back in place after the upgrade!
One important warning: I just discovered, that the path system variable is almost empty after installing and I had to manually adjust it, so my command line scripts for Powershell, Gams and other programs can run. So before you upgrade: copy your path system variable and put it back in place after the upgrade!