I am an avid user of R. Most of the time, I use R for preparing nice plots and tables for my LaTeX papers. For my plots, I use TikzDevice and for my tables I use xtable. Gams, my modeling software, developed a nice interface for using data from Gams in R and the other way around (see http://support.gams.com/doku.php?id=gdxrrw:interfacing_gams_and_r). When I upgraded from R 2.15 to R 3.0, I had some problems on my windows 8 machine, especially with TikZDevice. I finally managed to get it installed. The necessary trick is described on “The Stata Things” (!!!, http://enoriver.net/index.php/2013/04/12/keeping-knitr-happy-after-upgrading-to-r-3-0-0/ )
Here is what you have to do, to get TikzDevice up and running:
- Install R 3.0
- Update your packages, using the command: update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE)
- Install Rtools (http://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) and adjust your path (sytem variable PATH) by adding the bin-directory of Rtools (something like C:\Program Files\Rtools\bin)
- Download tikzdevice from http://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=440
- Run the following commands in the R Console
- remove.packages(“tikzDevice”)
- install.packages(“Path to where the file on your computer is/tikzDevice_0.6.3.tar.gz”, repos = NULL, type=”source”)
For Gams users: download the gdxrrw 0.3.0 (not 0.2.0) from the homepage (http://support.gams.com/doku.php?id=gdxrrw:interfacing_gams_and_r ). Extract the files in your R library and add the following line to your Rprofile.site (in the directory etc of your R-installation), where you have to set the gams directory properly.
.First <- function() {
a <- R.Version()$arch
if (a == “x86_64”) igdx(“C:/program files/gams_64/23.9.4”)
else igdx(“C:/program files/gams_32/23.9.4”)
PS. I like the fortunes package. It produces nice quotations when you start up R. Just install the package and add the following lines to your Rprofile.site
if (interactive())
Here an example
I wish to perform brain surgery this afternoon at 4pm and don’t know where to start. My background is the history of great statistician sports legends but I am willing to learn. I know there are courses and numerous books on brain surgery but I don’t have the time for those. Please
direct me to the appropriate HowTos, and be on standby for solving any problem I may encounter while in the operating room. Some of you might ask for specifics of the case, but that would require my following the posting guide and spending even more time than I am already taking to
write this note.
— I. Ben Fooled (aka Frank Harrell)
R-help (April 1, 2005)—