Aspell does not work anymore with the new Emacs 26.1 for Windows: hunspell to the rescue

I downloaded the newest version of Emacs (26.1) from Vincent Goublet’s homepage., and run into the problem that my spell-checking of documents doesn’t work anymore. I use ispell and Aspell but the new version of Emacs needs Aspell 6.0 which is not available for Windows. After some googling, I found a good replacement: hunspell. Now I can check my spelling again:


I added the following code in my .emacs file (I found it somewhere on the internet).

Read the rest “Aspell does not work anymore with the new Emacs 26.1 for Windows: hunspell to the rescue”

Drawing nice side-by-side trees in LaTeX

In my work I often have to describe the model I use. For this it is almost inevitable to draw some hierarchical production functions. The following shows you how to draw two production functions side by side using Tik/. TikZ is a German acronym and stands for “TikZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm” (TikZ is not a drawing program) and produces high-quality drawings in LaTeX.

This is how the two production function look in the paper:

2017-12-06 12_04_12-Report top-down modeling.pdf - SumatraPDF

I use the Latex package subcaption (as the package subfigure is deprecated) to get the two production functions side by side. You further need to load … Read the rest “Drawing nice side-by-side trees in LaTeX”

Tables with footnotes in LaTeX

Once in a while, I need a table in LaTeX with some footnotes below the table. Doing an internet search I found a nice solution using the package threeparttable. Here is a small example with the nuclear power plants in Switzerland:


The LaTeX code for this table is self-explaining (note the special structure: table – threeparttable – tabular):

Read the rest “Tables with footnotes in LaTeX”

Efficient desktop environment under Windows 10 using virtual desktops and Vdesk

You probably know the feeling: You are working in your editor and want to jump to Emacs or another program opened on your computer. You Alt-Tab your way through Chrome, Word, Tetris, and lots of other programs and then you move to fast and just click past Excel. Here is a typical desktop when I am working.

2017-05-07 16_19_35-

You could use your mouse and just click on the window showing when you press Alt-Tab or click on the small icon in the task bar. But I don’t like using the mouse and love to have everything below my finger tips.

Windows … Read the rest “Efficient desktop environment under Windows 10 using virtual desktops and Vdesk”

More on problems with HiRes screens

In one of my previous posts, I showed how to adjust the properties of the executable of a program under Windows 10 that has a fuzzy look: Right-click on the executable and choose “”the “ Compatibility” tab where you have to activate the “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings”. This trick works fine for non-windows programs. However, Outlook or Excel still look terrible.

If you go to you can download a free, small utility, where you can set your overall DPI-Settings back those from Windows 8 (which doesn’t have this problem).

2017-02-01 13_50_48-XP Explorer - Windows 10 DPI Fix

Just click on “Use Windows 8.1 DPI … Read the rest “More on problems with HiRes screens”