Automatic operator formatting mode in Emacs

Emacs has a nice new mode called electric-operator developed by David Spepherd. It helps when you write code by formatting all operators in a predefined way. For example, in R it adds spaces around the operator signs, when you write 1+1, this is automatically converted into 1 + 1.

You can define your own way of formatting for other modes. For gams-mode you add the following to your .emacs file

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Column guide in Emacs

Many professional editors have a column guide. For example, below you see in the Powershell editor a veritcal line at column 80.


This marker comes in handy, if you want to print your files. In Emacs I usually check for the column 80 in the status line.


However, I usually forget to check, and when I print out stuff or publish, I got line breaks where I don’t want them. Passing the 80th column for comments is not a problem, as a simple Ctrl-q forces Emacs to break the lines nicely and add comment symbols at the beginning.


But after … Read the rest “Column guide in Emacs”

Using org-mode in outline-mode

I have written about using org-mode in gams-mode in an earlier post. Gams-mode lets you structure your gams file using headings and subheadings. These headings can be (partially) collapsed. The structure of your file could look like this:


You can now cycle through the structure using Shift-Tab. Tab opens a section:


This is a great help in complex files.

Gams-mode has another great outline feature for the listing file. Instead of putting a normal comment with a “*” in front, one writes a display statement that starts with a “@” (see the code above). We now see a nice heading … Read the rest “Using org-mode in outline-mode”

Outlining in Gams-Mode: Org-Mode for Gams

The new version of Gams-mode has a new feature that I like very much. It allows you to use an outline-mode in your gams files. It is called org-mode, which is a major mode in Emacs.
You can outline your Gams file using sections, subsections, etc. You define sections using the following notation:
or for subsections
       *@@, *@@@, etc.
Let us have a look at the file org-minor-mode.gms. This file can be found in your gams-mode directory. This file contains all the help for gams-mode. All the help
Read the rest “Outlining in Gams-Mode: Org-Mode for Gams”

Auto-Completion in Emacs, LaTeX and Gams

The fun with Emacs is that you can discover new (or old) stuff that makes your life much easier on an almost weekly base. I was reading the manual on Emacs Speaks Statistics and discovered that there is a mode called auto-completion. I googled it, installed it and after some experimenting, I got it running. You can find it here. It comes with autocompletion for some programming languages (Python, Ruby, C+, etc.) but not for LaTeX, so I googled further and discovered an extension called auto-complete-latex (you can download it here.
Here are some screenshots: You just start
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