Gams code snippet for checking consistency of a matrix

In an earlier post, I showed how to include code snippets in your program. One of the most important principles of programming is the DRY principle: Don’ Repeat Yourself. Code snippets can be used to do stuff you have to code over and over again.
One such a task for me is checking if the row and column totals in a matrix are equal (for example in the input output table you use, you want to check if supply is equal to demand).
Here is the code snippet:
Now you can batinclude (meaning that you can pass
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Using code snippets in Gams: batinclude

One of the important rules of good programming is the DRY principle: Don’t Repeat Yourself. After repeating myself too often, I decided to start working with code snippets and macros for often used code. Here is an example of code I use very often. Suppose you want to aggregate your data from your input-output table to more aggregated version, for example, from 87 sectors to only 5 sectors, so you can test your model more easily). In GAMS you do this with a mapping, where you map the 87 sectors to the 5 sectors. This mapping can then be used
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Auto-Completion in Emacs, LaTeX and Gams

The fun with Emacs is that you can discover new (or old) stuff that makes your life much easier on an almost weekly base. I was reading the manual on Emacs Speaks Statistics and discovered that there is a mode called auto-completion. I googled it, installed it and after some experimenting, I got it running. You can find it here. It comes with autocompletion for some programming languages (Python, Ruby, C+, etc.) but not for LaTeX, so I googled further and discovered an extension called auto-complete-latex (you can download it here.
Here are some screenshots: You just start
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Using Gams, R and LaTeX I

Wow, I just discovered how easy it is to produce nice LaTeX tables from your Gams results. Usually I capture my model results in some parameters that are exported (using gdx or gdxxrw) to excel. Then I make my tables in Excel and use an excel add-in to export the table to LaTeX (I have written about this add-in in this blog). This works fine, but is tedious because as soon as my results are in excel, I can’t do things automatically and have to click my way to get my LaTeX tables.
Today, I was working on the parking
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Using the identifier-list in Gams-mode

Gams-mode has lots of features and I am still amazed how powerful it is. I just discovered the use of the identifier-list (C-c C-a). I have a rather complex model with lots of include files and easily forget all the parameter names I use. Was it scale_mrd or mrd_scale? What was the name of the set HH or HHG? Here is where the identifier list comes in handy. Just hit C-c C-a and all the parameters, sets, variables appear as a new buffer.
You can change the way this information is listed. For example hit in
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