My subversion repository is on a server by Webfaction (probably the best and cheapest way to host your repository. I have 100 Gigabyte space). I used to have a backup script that would save the backup on the same server, which then was transferred to my Windows 8 computer. Because I wanted to replace the complete backup with a new one, I ran into problems, as the backup procress was taking to much of the server CPU. Support pointed me to svnradmin, which is a tool comming with the command tools of tortoisesvn (otherwise you will find these tools on … Read the rest “Backing up your subversion repository on a remote Windows server using batch files”
Category Archives: Other Software
Using Windows Desktop Search to search for text in files with another extension than "txt"
I use Windows Search quite often on my notebook to look for a file, E-Mail or a program. In Windows you just hit the Windows Key and start typing, which is very convenient.
If you want to start a program you just start typing the program name and hit enter Excel, hit the key and type “exc” and enter, and off you go.
The normal search (files or text within files) is also very powerful. Here is a site which explains the syntax: and here is a good article on how to use it.
One problem with
… Read the rest “Using Windows Desktop Search to search for text in files with another extension than "txt"” Upgrading to Windows 8 in only 5 minutes
A few months ago I installed Windows 8 on my workstation (Microsoft was offering a cheap upgrage, so being Dutch and always looking for cheap offers, I bought the upgrade). My workstation had some problems, and I did not want to set it up from scratch with Windows 7 again. It runs fine since then. It has some nice features and no issues until now.

The Microsoft offer is still valid until the end of January, so I decided to upgrade my Windows 7 notebook too, as I will use this one probably for the next 3 years (Lenovo T430s).
… Read the rest “Upgrading to Windows 8 in only 5 minutes” Integrating Emacs in your file explorer
Sometimes I have files that I want to open with Emacs, but I haven’t set the program to open to Emacs (for example, a log-file or .emacs). I found a nice hack for Windows machines in the internet (
Just create a file emacs.reg with the following text and adjust the path to your settings.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\Open In Emacs\Command]
@=”\”C:\\bin\\Emacs-23.1\\bin\\emacsclientw.exe\” -a \”C:\\bin\\Emacs-23.1\\bin\\runemacs.exe\” \”%1\””
Before you double click on this file, save your registry (you never know…). After double clicking you will have a extra option in your right-click menu in your explorer, which
… Read the rest “Integrating Emacs in your file explorer” Using more than one Dropbox folder using Dropboxifier
Dropbox is a nice tool for synchronizing files over different computers. One problem is that you have to put your files in the Dropbox folder. I often make small changes to my settings in Emacs, so I used to have my home directory for Emacs in my Dropbox folder.
You can choose where to put your Dropbox folder on your machine, however, you can only have one Dropbox folder. What to do, if you want to synchronize your whole Emacs program directory (or any other directory you don’t want to move to your Dropbox folder)?
There is a nice open
… Read the rest “Using more than one Dropbox folder using Dropboxifier”