Using more than one Dropbox folder using Dropboxifier

Dropbox is a nice tool for synchronizing files over different computers. One problem is that you have to put your files in the Dropbox folder. I often make small changes to my settings in Emacs, so I used to have my home directory for Emacs in my Dropbox folder.
You can choose where to put your Dropbox folder on your machine, however, you can only have one Dropbox folder. What to do, if you want to synchronize your whole Emacs program directory (or any other directory you don’t want to move to your Dropbox folder)?
There is a nice open
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Presentation, Article and Notes in one run using Beamer

Still using Powerpoint for your presentation? Consider using LaTeX with the Beamer package.
Tom Rutherford taught me how to build an efficient stream for a presentation or lecture:
  1. generate the presentation with beamer,
  2. generate the presentation as an article and
  3. clean up all the stuff
All this in one batch file. The presentation is projected on the big screen and the article is used for preparation and for notes, I use during my prepartation (I have a printout of the article next to my laptop during the presentation)
The batch (build.bat) file looks like this:
@echo off
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Outlining in Gams-Mode: Org-Mode for Gams

The new version of Gams-mode has a new feature that I like very much. It allows you to use an outline-mode in your gams files. It is called org-mode, which is a major mode in Emacs.
You can outline your Gams file using sections, subsections, etc. You define sections using the following notation:
or for subsections
       *@@, *@@@, etc.
Let us have a look at the file org-minor-mode.gms. This file can be found in your gams-mode directory. This file contains all the help for gams-mode. All the help
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Todo’s from Everywhere

I use Emacs for taking notes and project management using Remember-Mode and Org-Mode (see my blog entries Capturing and More. However, if I am working in Excel or reading a pdf , More and I want to make a note or I suddenly have a thought about a feature that I want to add to my model, I have to jump to Emacs,hit some keys, enter the note or the task and navigate back to the program I was working in.
Not much of a hassle, but inefficient as it really interrupts my work flow too much.
No problem,
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