Adding Gams file extensions in gams-mode

In Gams-Mode all files with the extension “gms” are recognized as gams-files and all keywords are highlighted properly. You can add other extensions that should be recognized by setting the variable gams-file-extension.
An easy way to find this in Emacs is by going to “Options” – “Customize Emacs”  Settings matching regexp” where you search for gams-file-extension (it is in the group “gams”).
Just click INS and add your extension (I added inc as extension).
Do not forget to save your settings.

Template Mode for Emacs

If you write a lot of R-, Stata-, Gams and/or LaTeX-files templates can make your life more relaxed. Emacs doesn’t have a template system (well there is auto-insert, but I did not find enough information on how to use if for templates). I used to have some templates in a directory and usually I would start with them (and forget that I should save it under another name…). The disadvantage is that you have to jump around in the file to fill out the information you want to have at the top of the file (like project name, topic, file
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Killing an open instance of pdf viewer when compiling latex

If there is one thing that is annoying when you us pdflatex in Emacs, it is the behavior of Adobe or another commercial product. If you haven’t closed the pdf-file, Emacs or better LaTeX will complain that the pdf-file is still open. I found some tricks in the internet, but I did not manage to implement them properly (you can for example use sumatrapdf, but I wanted to keep my original pdfreader on my computer).
Finally, I decided to use my macro/script program winautomation ( I bought this program a few months ago after getting tired of the open
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Starting Emacs in Full-Mode on Windows

Just a quick one: if you start Emacs on Windows (on probably also on other systems) it opens not in full-mode. After some googling I found this in the Emacs-FAQ  for the .emacs file:
(add-hook ‘term-setup-hook #'(lambda () (w32-send-sys-command ?\xF030)))
Simple but effective.

OrgMode on my iPhone: MobileOrg and Dropbox

In one of my last year posts I wrote about using Org-Mode for organizing your projects and your notes/todo’s with links to your files. I am now using org-mode for lots of things but especially for my todo’s. Now this works fine if my notebook is up and running, but sometimes I want to have a look at those org-files without firing up my notebook. I use an iPhone and Richard Moreland developed a nice app (see that works together with dropbox (
It has some nice features:
  • Support for Dropbox or WebDAV as
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