More on problems with HiRes screens

In one of my previous posts, I showed how to adjust the properties of the executable of a program under Windows 10 that has a fuzzy look: Right-click on the executable and choose “”the “ Compatibility” tab where you have to activate the “Disable display scaling on high DPI settings”. This trick works fine for non-windows programs. However, Outlook or Excel still look terrible.

If you go to you can download a free, small utility, where you can set your overall DPI-Settings back those from Windows 8 (which doesn’t have this problem).

2017-02-01 13_50_48-XP Explorer - Windows 10 DPI Fix

Just click on “Use Windows 8.1 DPI … Read the rest “More on problems with HiRes screens”

Following up on Outlook E-Mails in Org-Mode

The combination of Org-Mode and Remember-Mode helps me to organize my projects. One special task category is “WAIT”, if I have to wait for some input from somebody else or waiting for a delivery to arrive. An example is ordering a book at Amazon. As soon as I make the order, I generate a “WAIT” which would look like this

** WAIT [#C] [2014-09-16 Tu] Book on Modeling by Morgan

In this case, I ordered the book on September 9th and it has not a high priority. Once a week I check this category in a customized agenda view which … Read the rest “Following up on Outlook E-Mails in Org-Mode”

Matrix inversion in Excel

Even the newest version of Excel has a limit on taking the inverse of a matrix. The maximum size is 52×52 (don’t ask me why this limit exists). What you get if you use minverse(your matrix) for a big matrix is this:


Fortunately, there is a nice add-in programmed in C that does the trick. It was developed for Excel 2007 and earlier but it works fine in the newest version (2013).

You can download it from and it works like the inverse function in excel. Instead of minverse(….) you use minverse.ext(…).

PS. If you want to take the … Read the rest “Matrix inversion in Excel”

Getting rid of some annoyances when opening or saving in Excel 2013 (and Word, Access)

The new Office version (2013) has lots of new features, but also some annoyances. Especially saving and opening files need much more clicks.

If you want to open a file, Excel opens with a start screen. Disabling this one is easy: just go to File-Options-General Tab and disable “Show the Start Screen…”.

If you want to save a file, this is what appears in Excel


Now you have to click on Browse to search the directory you want to save your files. It goes faster as follow, if you set the following options (see arrows) and set your favorite directory:… Read the rest “Getting rid of some annoyances when opening or saving in Excel 2013 (and Word, Access)”